Joey Bentley's Blog

I write about web development and other random bits from my life. I'm not a huge social media person, but if you wanna be a stalker... I have profiles on these platforms:

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How I Built My Custom Desk

  • 17 Min. Read
  • Hobbies, Woodworking
What started as a 'simple' and cheap desk build turned into a 'complex' and expensive project. I can't say how happy I am with the end product and this article is the process I took to get it where it is today. It's a bit wordy, but I hope you enjoy.
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I am currently accepting employment opportunities

If you are looking for a developer or designer to build your web site, web app or to produce high-quality visual assets for your business or project, I would love to discuss it with you. To get the ball rolling, just drop me an email or use the form on my contact page.